I decided to stop treating myself like shit in 2021.

Hello! So, this is my blog. Yep, I have a blog. Not sure how consistent I’m going to be with this, but here it is and here I am! So…what’s on my mind, you ask? Well, you’ve seen the title, so I guess you kind of know.

Some background: I wrote and released the four main books of the McClain Brothers series in a 12-month period (December 2017 to December 2018). I wrote and released two of the Love After books and all three of the Strickland Sisters series books in 2017. The last couple of years, I haven’t been as prolific when it comes to full novels, having released only two along with many novellas and short stories, and I have been beating myself up about it.


Over and over again.


Like I was getting paid to do it. 

And that’s facts, yo.

I am most definitely my own worst critic. I’m hard on myself. I set ridiculous standards for myself, and I have heavily placed my worth as an author on the quantity of books I release in a year. I also have a habit of not counting novellas or shorts as real releases or real books. In other words, I’ve been downplaying my own work in my own head like a motherfucker.

I’m stopping that shit this year.

I know I’m talented. I know I’m a good storyteller in any form. I know this, and I also know none of that will change whether I release twenty books or one book this year. An author is an author is an author. I’m a damn author either way it goes. So, I’m done with the self-torture. I love me too much for that foolishness.

Now, I do plan to write and release more than one book this year, and I hope to reach that goal. But if I don’t? I’m still one bad-ass, writing-ass, pretty-ass bitch. And that’s on what?

Mary had a little lamb!




#SampleSunday - Flagrant (Prologue)